Sunday, February 13, 2011


The bastion is a tunnel that opens to a footbridge leading to Reducto de San Pedro. 

Reducto de Alfonso XII • Jolo, Sulu

Described as a “reducto,” this irregular quadrilateral fort was built ca. 1878 by the military. It was remodeled to a cross plan later and served blockhouse or a strongly secure place in times of attack. It also served as coastal defense and complemented the Jolo Intramuros.  Reducto de Alfonso XII was raised on the ruins of kuta Daniel built by the Tausog Datu Daniel Amil Bahar at the foot of a hill near Jolo town proper.  The redoubt’s site is presently occupied by the provincial hospital.  No remains of the fort can be found. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

your true wealth comes from your heart and is always only there

wealth does not come from your bank account, wealth comes from the depth of your heart. What you really want is happiness. You might believe that a fat bank account will get you there, but that's false. Happy people are happy rich or poor, unhappy people are unhappy rich or poor. Money simply masks your real being by giving you activities to occupy your mind. Don't fool yourself, recession or not, your true wealth comes from your heart and is always only there.
just click..
god wants you to know